Category Archives: BREAKING NEWS

New Club Penguin Sneak Peak of the puffle party!

Im back to post on this site. Well, heres the a new sneak peak of the new party, puffle party!



Hey guys,

If you didn’t know, Gammak’s website was recently hacked. We’re working hard to restore all of the pages, posts, and comments. And yes, Paulwag is an author, it just doesn’t show. Stay tuned for updates šŸ˜‰

~SnowT112, Administrator


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UPDATE #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gammak here

I just added the new Pin Tracker Widget to the Freebies pageĀ :D


Please note: You will have to come backĀ every timeĀ thereā€™s a new pin (iā€™m trying to fix this)