Author Archives: SnowT112

Updated “Club Penguin Codes” Page

Hi guys!

Well, with the new issue of the Club Penguin Magazine being released, I’ve updated the codes on the “Club Penguin Codes” page. You can earn 1500 coins with these three coin codes:

  • J6YELLOW – 500 coins
  • HADDOCK7 – 500 coins
  • ARCTIC20 – 500 coins

If you’d like to redeem additional items, please click here. Enjoy the free 1500 coins!

~SnowT112, Administrator


Hey guys,

If you didn’t know, Gammak’s website was recently hacked. We’re working hard to restore all of the pages, posts, and comments. And yes, Paulwag is an author, it just doesn’t show. Stay tuned for updates 😉

~SnowT112, Administrator


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UPDATE #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gammak here

I just added the new Pin Tracker Widget to the Freebies page :D


Please note: You will have to come back every time there’s a new pin (i’m trying to fix this)